Friday, January 22, 2010

We are the world…yes, MJ…

I came across this article on CNN’s Opinion page.  It is written by a couple who are in the process of adopting a Haitian toddler.  I keep hearing and reading all of these media reports about the number of orphans living in Haiti prior to this earthquake, and the estimates of the numbers today.  It’s astounding and overwhelming.  I’ve also noticed that there have been several stories shown of families who were so close to finalizing their adoptions of Haitian children right before the earthquake, and now there is no telling how long it will take to complete them.  It is (well as was also) such a complex humanitarian issue.   There’s no telling how many children post-earthquake could be reunited with family.  There’s no telling how many are orphaned.  There is no telling how long a process it could take to start the adoption placement process for these children.  There is no telling how Haiti or the world is going to be able to care for these children.  There is no easy answer. 

I think that because of this, I appreciated this couple’s perspective.  I appreciated that above all they love this little boy so much that they want what is best for him, even if that means that their relationship with him is over.  I appreciated that they are trying to not think of themselves (as horribly hard as that must be), they are fighting for him and for all those kiddos like him, who above all, need to live, be loved, and be well cared for.   I’m not sure if I agree that the kiddos need to be evacuated from Haiti (that sounds like another trauma for them), but I loved that they said that these kiddos (and in reality all of the world’s kiddos), are our responsibility to love. 

The writers state about the little boy’s birth mother: 
“Hers was, we believe, an act of sacrifice, but it was also an act of hope and trust -- hope that the world would be kind to Alexander, perhaps even despite her own experience, and trust that someone would love him as much as she does.” 

Ironic then, that they are putting themselves in the same position: 

“As Alexander's mother put her trust in the people who, as fate would have it, turned out to be us, we are placing our trust in others to join our efforts to secure the life of our child and the rest of the orphans of Haiti.”


I suppose that as a person who truly does believe that we are all connected I accept my part in the responsibility of humankind for loving and caring for those who I am able. 

And, since adoption has been a big part of my life since I was a toddler myself (Love to Mia!), this will probably be the first of many adoption-esque posts as Josh and I (and Collin too) figure out how our family will respond to the world’s kiddos. 

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